21.7.23 here are the whole school celebrating receiving thei

21.7.23 here are the whole school celebrating receiving their ‘great gardeners’ award in KS1 and their ‘ John Muir Environmental Award’ in KS2.
Everyone has put a lot of commitment into achieving this award :  we all prepared the land; measured it; researched the native wildflowers; ordered the wildflower plugs; planted over 500 wildflower plugs; water them daily through the dry spell in June ; created pictures and poetry to celebrate our work and finally shared it with our community during last weeks open garden celebration. Thank you to everybody who has helped and to Swinden Quarry for helping us fund the project via the NEF grant and also to the volunteers, who will continue to look after the growing wildflower garden during the summer holidays 👍. Well done everyone 🙌🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸Upper Wharfedale Primary Federation