Welcome to Cracoe and Rylstone Church of England Primary School
We are housed in a beautiful school house, overlooking an area of outstanding natural beauty, accommodating children from local villages and from the wider community. Our small school consists of two classrooms where a well planned curriculum helps us to meet the needs of our mixed age classes and ensure that all children are both supported and challenged to achieve their full potential.
School opens at 8:45am and learning starts from the moment children enter, even in the playful 15 minutes before classes begin. We also enjoy daily Collective Worship covering different Christian values. School ends at 3:30pm.
Wrap Around Care
To make life easier for parents, pupils have access to both before and after school ‘wrap around’ care. A daily breakfast club is held at Cracoe Village Hall and children are taken by bus to the Federation after school club at Grassington Primary. For up-to-date timings and options, please contact the school office for details.
Our idyllic rural location accommodates a large playground complete with a covered area for outdoor learning. We have a trim trail activity frame to promote balance and agility, a peaceful garden and a fun ‘willow weave’ shelter. Indoors, children enjoy two classrooms full of character, and there is a mezzanine library, well stocked with recent and classic books. We also have access to an adjacent field where we have our own allotment and nearby playing fields for sports day. Cracoe Village Hall is where we come together to eat our lunch and do PE.
We pride ourselves on the positive links we have within our village and local communities. We have an excellent and longstanding relationship with our local church, St. Peter’s, Rylstone. We welcome members of the Church community to deliver collective worship to the children. We also visit the churches for special festive services such as Christmas, Easter and harvest.
Our vision
Working together
being a family
Building a future
be the light
Our vision is to help each child flourish into a caring, confident and resilient young person who has a love of learning. We uphold high aspirations for all our children, through our innovative and inspiring approach to teaching.
Welcome to Cracoe and Rylstone Church of England Primary School, part of the Upper Wharfedale Primary Federation. We are housed in a beautiful school house, overlooking an area of outstanding natural beauty.
At Cracoe and Rylstone CE Primary School we encourage children to immerse themselves in learning opportunities that inspire them. We are passionate about nurturing children so that they flourish into a caring, confident and resilient young person who has a love of learning.
Our core Christian values of ‘love, kindness, forgiveness, thankfulness and trust’ are at the heart of our school and underpin a culture that enable our children to know they are of immense worth.
As part of The Upper Wharfedale Primary Federation, we benefit from being part of an outward looking organisation and have opportunities to learn collaboratively and access specialist teaching beyond an individual school’s scope. Pupils come together at least once a week with peers from their own year group to access specialist teaching in subjects such as PE, music and French.
We pride ourselves on our knowledge of our children. We work hard to know every child, to know their strengths, interests and next steps, so that learning is always challenging and exciting.
The staff and Governors are unwavering in their commitment to children’s learning within our federation. The curriculum encourages children to discover, explore and create. We understand that memorable learning is learning that lasts. We offer a wide school curriculum that ignites a love of learning which will last a lifetime – see our curriculum pages!
Extended hours can be provided through UWPF After School Club at Grassington Primary. Pupils are transported to the after school free of charge in our federation mini bus. We also run a daily breakfast club on site from 7:45am.
Our teachers, across the federation, meet at least once a week to drive, support and challenge each other to be the best they can be – to make a difference in the lives of the children. We are proud of our school and we hope you can see why.
Mrs Claire Greenwood and Miss Wendy Thompson
Executive Co-Headteachers